Fix - How to get Yahoo to download currency rates


With Yahoo Finance, the API keeps changing, when it does, things stop working. To fix this issue.

Option 1

  • Download the latest version of the sheet and import all the transactions to it.

Option 2 – Modify your existing sheet for compatibility

There is a hidden sheet that can be accessed

  • Click > View > Hidden Sheets > Show_Stock_Prices

Change formula

On column AG1 change the old formula from:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A:A=$A$1,"Currency Ticker",if(AF:AF<>"",if(AF:AF<>$AF$2,AF:AF&$AF$2&"%3DX",),)))


=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A:A=$A$1,"Currency Ticker",if(AF:AF<>"",if(AF:AF<>$AF$2,AF:AF&$AF$2&"%3DX",),)))